Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Iran Deal Decertification Helps Resistance to Dictatorial Regime

Zolfaghar missiles (R) are displayed during a rally marking al-Quds (Jerusalem) Day in Tehran on June 23, 2017. Chants against the Saudi royal family and the Islamic State group mingled with the traditional cries of "Death to Israel" and "Death to America" at Jerusalem Day rallies across Iran. (Stringer/AFP/Getty Images)

As criticisms pile on President Trump, an Oct. 20 dialogue with former House of Representatives Speaker, Newt Gingrich, about the president’s Iran policy illuminates an ally who stands with the president in harsh times. It’s easy to stand with someone when times are going well. It makes the “brother” feel good, but it’s correctly viewed with suspicion by the target of the newly-found friendship.
Speaker Gingrich indeed is a friend of the president, not just on Iran but across a spectrum of issues.
Breaking News
Consider an annotated address by House Speaker Newt Gingrich to the Organization of Iranian American Communities (OAIC) on U.S. Policy toward Iran Friday, Oct. 20, 2017.
Gingrich started by saying, this is a very interesting time. The president’s UN speech of Sep. 20, 2017, to the United Nations and his Iran strategy speech of Oct. 13 in Washington AFP that of mine of Oct. 20. The president’s address concerned refraining from recertifying Iran’s compliance with terms of the July 2015 nuclear deal between Iran and the Permanent Members of the Security Germany with Iran. Gingrich said the president’s address followed the right path: Trump didn’t break out of the agreement but communicated it was not viable.

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