Monday, January 29, 2018

ANALYSIS: How to pursue talks with Iran while isolation haunts the regime

What we have all come to understand is the fact that protests across Iran came as a major shock for the ruling regime and the international community. While the first wave of protests may have been quelled, Iran's regime fully understands there is an intense fire burning in this powder keg society.
Making matters even worse, and a subject Tehran refuses to discuss, is the parallel expansion of international isolation currently haunting this regime. The Obama years are gone and the United States, Europe and the Arab World are adopting increasingly stronger positions against Iran's belligerent policies.
Iranian protesters are following these developments closely, knowing the stronger the international effort, the weaker the clerical rulers will be in quelling their demands for ultimate regime change.

Washington initiative

In response to U.S. President Donald Trump's 120-day ultimatum for Europe to improve the Iran nuclear deal, formally known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson paid a visit to his European counterparts to discuss Iran's ballistic missile program and regional meddling.
This cumulative pressure, with the Trump administration pushing lward this new Washington initiative to reform the JCPOA, is placing the Europeans before a decision they have been kicking down the road for decades, and especially during the eight years of Obama's full-throttle appeasement drive.
This rift in the West's actions provided Tehran the breathing room it desperately needed to export its dilemmas abroad, under the banner of "exporting the revolution." The end results in Iraq, Syria and Yemen go beyond any need of explanation after all these years of atrocities.

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