Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Newt Gingrich: The Iranian regime is doomed to fall and the resistance is having an impact

In a meeting in Paris, Jan. 19, 2018, former US House Speaker Newt Gingrich expressed his support for the Iranian people’s uprising and for the organized resistance under the NCRI

Before its news.com, January 21, 2018 - The prominent Republican and former presidential candidate was addressing a meeting with representatives of Iranian communities from Europe, which was held at the NCRI ’s headquarters in a northern suburb of Paris. 
Maryam Rajavi , the President-elect of the NCRI, addressed the meeting, titled “Regime change in Iran.”
The meeting took place in the wake of a popular uprising that erupted in Iran on December 28. According to the network of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (MEK), the NCRI’s main constituent group, the protests rapidly spread to 142 cities across the country. The MEK network reported that some 50 protesters were killed and at least 8,000 were detained. A growing number of are found to have been tortured to death.
In his speech on January 9, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei said, “These incidents had been organized.” The MEK implemented the plans. He added, “The MEK had prepared for this months ago” and “the MEK’s media outlets had called for it.”

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