Friday, June 22, 2018

Annual Iranian Resistance Gathering in Paris

Annual Iranian Resistance Gathering in Paris

In an interview with the Lars Larson radio station on the topic of the Iranian People’s uprising, Ali Reza Jafarzadeh, a representative of the National Council Resistance of Iran in Washington, said that demonstrations and protest movements, which have now grown nation-wide, date back to December 2017 which has continued so far.
Anti-government demonstrations actually erupted to protest against economic conditions, high prices and rampant corruption, but quickly turned into anti-government demonstration. People chanted “death to Khamenei” and “death to Rouhani”. They rejected the whole religious ruling system and demanded freedom.
He added that after the uprising of the Iranian people, there was a large demonstrations in the city of Kazerun where tens of thousands of people participated and entered into confrontations with the IRGC forces and did not retreat.
Recently, a young woman emerged in a main square in the city of Karaj, one of Iran’s major cities near Tehran, and chanted “Death to Khamenei.” She repeated this slogan and people gathered around her. She chose this courageous way of expressing herself to tell other women and men in Iran that this slogan is the true slogan of the Iranian people against the regime.
Jafarzadeh said that since people know their true enemies, there is great motivation and hope for change in Iran. What is seen today in the Iranian scene was not seen in the past.
Jafarzadeh added that an organized opposition has been presented against the Iranian regime over the past fourteen years, which is a mighty opposition based in Paris, with a well-known leadership and clear programs led by a woman, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi. She has offered a 10-point plan for the future of Iran, saying that the only criterion for the legitimacy is what came out of the ballot box and not religious dictatorship.
#IHaveADream 4 #FreeIran2018

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