Nuclear weapon blast
Necessity to prevent enrichment, intrusive inspections of military and civilian centers and interviews with scientist
Allegations of Ali Akbar, head of the Atomic Energy Organization of the Islamic Republic of Iran, on August 22, show well that the agreement with the six world powers, in addition to the unjustified economic and political concessions granted to the regime, has left the door open for obtaining a nuclear bomb . That is why, Salehi, while repeating hollow threats, emphasized repeatedly like Zarif and Rouhani that: 'Our highest priority is to preserve JCPOA' and 'We worked very hard to achieve JCPOA, and did not achieve it easily to lose it easily.'
'We can start up in a maximum of five days enrichment of 20% at Fordow,' Salehi said, adding that “Maintaining Fordow facility is a pro of the JCPOA.” In a hollow threat, which is more for internal consumption, he said, 'This action has various messages from technical and professional viewpoints, and the other party understands that message.'
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