Saturday, August 19, 2017

Paris Exhibition on the 1988 Massacre of political prisoners in Iran

I would like to go back to the appalling massacre of political prisoners that took place in 1988. The mass executions, in jails across Iran, were carried out on the basis of a fatwa


Paris, 18 August 2017 -- The Paris District 1 exhibition and meeting on August 17, 2017, commemorated the anniversary of the 1988 massacre of political prisoners and censured continuation of mass executions in Iran.
In an address to this meeting at the Paris District 1 City Hall, Struan Stevenson, Former European lawmaker and President of the Friends of Free Irancalled for a full United Nations inquiry into the 1988 massacre, with Khamenei, Rouhani and their claque of killer clerics indicted for crimes against humanity and brought for trial before the international courts in The Hague, the following is full text of the speech:
   Jean François Legaret and Struan Stevenson 

Dear Friends, Ladies and Gentlemen,

I would like to thank Monsieur le maire, Jean François Legaret and the municipality of Paris Number 1 district for organizing this magnificent event in memory of the victims of the 1988 massacre in Iran. This is indeed an excellent contribution towards human rights in Iran and a big reminder to our European politicians that respect for human rights, women rights and democracy are European and universal values that must not be compromised and forgotten for economic interests.
That is perhaps the reason that the visit of Federica Mogherini - Europe’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs, to Iran on August 5th stunned the world. She had gone to Tehran at the EU taxpayers’ expense, to celebrate the inauguration of President Hassan Rouhani as he began his second consecutive term in office. Rouhani has been hailed in the West as a moderate and a reformist, despite the fact that more than 3,000 people, including 80 women, have been executed during the four years he has been in office, catapulting Iran into pole position as the world’s number one state executioner per capita. Several hundred people have been executed so far this year, including women and teenagers. Three days before Mogherini arrived in Tehran, Amnesty international published a 94-page report highlighting the ‘web of oppression’ that pervades Iran and detailing the catastrophic human rights situation in the country.

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