Saturday, August 12, 2017

Yes, watch North Korea, but don’t take your eyes off Iran


Dr. Majid Rafizadeh

Arab news, 11 August 2017 - North Korea is in the international news spotlight because of its mutual saber-rattling with Donald Trump, and the widely publicized test of a long-range ballistic missile. But it is critical to point out that these events are equally significant in relation to Iran and the threat it poses to peace and stability.
Iran is North Korea’s major partner in the sale, transfer, and proliferation of ballistic missile technology. Iran’s missiles are copies of North Korea’s. Both countries flout international law, sponsor terrorism and employ military hardware such as ballistic missiles to threaten the security and interests of other nations.
Tehran already has long-range ballistic missiles that can hit any country in the Middle East and US bases in the region. Iran’s generals have frequently boasted about these capabilities and have test-fired missiles carrying provocative messages such as “Death to Israel.”
But Iran is not satisfied with what it has. The Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), which oversees the program, is aggressively pursuing technology that could lead to the development of an intercontinental ballistic missile. North Korean engineers are in Iran helping the IRGC to advance its ballistic missile arsenal and develop nuclear warheads.

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