Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Was Iran Behind The Kandahar Bombing That Killed UAE Diplomats?

Irans Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei speaks live on television

It was not your typical Taliban improvised explosive device.

The Daily Caller, Oct. 27, 2017 - On January 10, 2017, a sophisticated radio-detonated, three-compartmental, military-grade RSX-TNT bomb, hidden days before in furniture after evading several security layers, exploded at intervals destroying a Kandahar government guesthouse conference room where prominent local officials were meeting with diplomats from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to discuss that country’s humanitarian projects in Afghanistan.
The blast killed twelve people and wounded fourteen including Kandahar’s deputy governor, Abdul Ali Shamsi, Afghan diplomat Yama Quraishi, head of Afghanistan’s passport section in Washington and the nephew of former Afghan President Hamid Karzai’s wife, and five UAE humanitarian workers. Emirati ambassador to Afghanistan,  Mohammed  Al , died of his wounds one month after the attack.
Three other attacks took place on that day, all suicide bombings, two in Kabul and one in Helmand’s capital Lashkar Gar, the Taliban claiming responsibility for all three.

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