Sunday, February 18, 2018


by Mahmood Hakamian 
The main political opposition to the Iranian Regime is a group dedicated to bringing freedom and democracy to Iran: The People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK).
The differs from the Regime in both their interpretation and implementation of Islam, with the MEK seeing Islam a modern and tolerant religion, which is perfectly attuned to modern society, and believing that this is the only true interpretation of Islam.
In 1982, MEK leader Massoud Rajavi, said: “The Islam we want is nationalistic, democratic, progressive, and not opposed to science or civilization. We believe there is no contradiction between modern science and true Islam, and we believe that in Islam there must be no compulsion or dictatorship.”
It is from this that the MEK derives its political beliefs, which directly contradict the intolerant and extremist Sharia Law of the mullahs, and why the MEK has widespread support among the Iranian people and people all around the globe.
Let’s look in more detail at how the MEK’s interpretation of Islam and how it shapes their political beliefs.

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