Tuesday, February 27, 2018

What are Iranian criminals doing in the UN Human Rights Council?

Two months have passed since Iran’s uprising. A revolt that continues to wreak havoc across the ruling regime in Iran. Senior officials, terrified of the consequences and awaiting punishments in the near future from the Iranian people, are busy pointing fingers at others for years of crimes and crackdown.
Two such examples vividly explain this reality.
The horrific murder of Iranian-Canadian photojournalist Zahra Kazemi has remained silent for years. She was arrested in Iran back in 2003 and murdered after horrific torture. Her body was not given to her family and buried by the authorities, while completely denying the murder. Reports indicate they splashed her body with acid to destroy any evidence of crimes.
Nearly 15 years later, Ali Younesi, former intelligence minister under Mohammad Khatami, acknowledges the fact that authorities murdered her. However, to deny any role for himself and the “reformist” Khatami he accused former Tehran public prosecutor Saeedas the main individual behind Kazemi’s death.
Another case involves the quelling of the 1999 Tehran University crackdown, again under Khatami’s watch. While more than 18 years have passed, we are now hearing Hassan Firouzabadi, currently the military advisor of Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and armed forces chief of staff at the time, saying very specifically how the crackdown was carried out in agreement with Khatami and current President Hassan Rouhani, both of whom claim to be “moderates” and/or “reformists.”

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