Tuesday, February 27, 2018

U.N. Slammed by Haley Over Planned Address by Iran Regime’s Minister Involved in Massacre of Political Prisoners

AFP: A protest is planned in front of the UN headquarters in Geneva next Tuesday, when Avaie is due to speak

US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley slammed the world body’s Human Rights Council on Sunday, saying it should be “ashamed” for inviting an Iranian minister, sanctioned for known human rights violations, to speak at the council’s annual meeting in Geneva this week. Haley said that the council was “discredited” by Iranian Justice Minister Alireza Avaie’s slated address to the body’s membership, adding that it only reinforces the United States’ criticisms of the UN and threats to defund the world body.
“The Human Rights Council should be ashamed to allow Mr.to address its membership,” Haley said in a statement.“Yet again the Council discredits itself by allowing serial human rights abusers to hijack its work and make a mockery of its mandate to promote universal human rights. This does nothing but reinforce the United States’ call for much needed reforms at the Council for it to be viewed as a good investment of our time and money,” she said.

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