Tuesday, July 11, 2017



Infuriated by MEK’s removal from US terrorist list, Iranian regime House Speaker Ali Larijni said in his Friday June-23 speech “now it’s you (the United States) who are sponsor of terrorism and even mother of terrorism, yet you accuse the Iranian regime of sponsoring terrorism. Your accusations are shameful …. Today the Americans removed MEK from their list of terrorist groups.”
In an article titled “(MEK’s) footsteps being heard”, the Revolutionary Guards’  news agency reveals regime’s concerns over increased danger coming from MEK following their transfer from Camp Liberty to Europe, saying that June 20 is reminder of (MEK’s) declaring war against the regime.
After putting forward a pack of false claims, the Revolutionary Guards’ news agency reveals regime’s fearing the recurrence of July 1999 and 2009 uprisings, as well as the danger coming from MEK, saying “the group’s (MEK’s) increased activities and their efforts for creating chaos and making a creeping coup was so intense over a period of time that many thought it was over for the regime on July 9, 1999. Their coordination was even further revealed during the 2009 uprising.”

Meanwhile, head of predatory ‘Samen--A
emole’ financial institution in Gilan province ‘Reza Ghasemi’ expressed in a June-17 interview his anger over MEK’s satellite channels exposing insecure, bankrupt institutions belonging to state entities like the Revolutionary Guards, a move aimed at informing the Iranian people.
“Some satellite channels linked to MEK”, said the regime official, “have released a clip showing that Samen institution has gone bankrupt, scaring investors into rushing to Samen Bank branches.”
Mohsen Rezaei former Revolutionary Guards’ commander pointed in his June-16 speech in Mashhad to MEK’s power back in 1981, saying that the organization had 17,000 members in Tehran, Mashhad, and Isfahan and someBut even more important than all those remarks is regime leader Ali Khamenei’s own coming to the scene, fearing the spread of the movement seeking justice for MEK members massacred in 1988.
Following an escalation of the movement,  said in his Khomeini’s funeral speech “we’ve recently been hearing some tribunes attacking regime’s records during the ‘80s. I recommend those who are thoughtful not to mistake executioners for martyrs when judging the ‘80s events. Iranian people were oppressed at the time. Terrorists, MEK, their supporters and those who raised them and constantly blew them persecuted the Iranian people. They did bad things. The Iranian people were forced to take a defensive position.”
By Iranian people, Khamenei means nothing but the inhumane Mullahs regime. The fact, however, is that the ‘80s is the decade when 30,000 political prisoners were massacred, and the decade when pregnant women, 13-year-old girls, and 70-year-old mothers were executed.
Following Khamenei’s speech, a bunch of his flunkies, Friday Prayer Imams, media, and public broadcasting repeated his same fearful confessions in various programs, launching a wave of attack and false accusations against MEK, particularly in different state TV programs, a move which was even further escalated a few days later following Khameeni’s fire-at-will order.
One day after Khamenei’s speech, state-run Ofogh TV channel aired a program about Khamenei’s recommendation not to mistake executioner for martyr as well as his MEK remarks, a program that in addition to the usual nonsense and distortions also included some significant acknowledgements.
Below comes a part of the interview conducted during the program: 

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