Monday, October 15, 2018

Iran: Teacher trade unionist in need of medical care: Mohammad Habibi

UA: 174/18 Index: MDE 13/9179/2018 Iran Date: 01 October 2018 URGENT ACTION TEACHER TRADE UNIONIST IN NEED OF MEDICAL CARE Imprisoned Iranian teacher and trade unionist Mohammad Habibi is in poor health and is being denied the urgent specialized medical care he needs. He is a prisoner of conscience, serving 10 and a half years in prison solely for exercising his human rights. He must be immediately and unconditionally released. Trade unionist and welding teacher Mohammad Habibi, a member of the board of directors of the Iran Teachers Trade Association – Tehran, is being denied the specialized medical care he needs. In August 2018, this human rights defender, who is now jailed in Tehran’s  prison, was briefly transferred to a hospital in Tehran, where he was seen by a general practising doctor who said that he needed to have his kidneys examined urgently by a specialist physician. Despite this, he was taken back to prison without receiving the specialized medical care he needed. Mohammad Habibi says that he has also been experiencing severe pain in his chest and lungs since his violent arrest in May 2018. However, the prison medical clinic has simply administered an inhaler to him. Mohammad Habibi was first arrested on 3 March 2018 outside the school in Tehran where he taught, in front of his students. He says Revolutionary Guards pepper sprayed and beat him during his arrest and transferred him to an undisclosed location where he remained in solitary confinement until around 19 March. During this period, he says he was repeatedly interrogated while blindfolded and subjected to torture and other ill-treatment including through being slapped in the face, having his head forcibly shaved, and receiving insults and threats against him and his family. He was then transferred to Evin prison and released on bail on 15 April. He was violently arrested again on 10 May at a peaceful gathering of teachers in Tehran against the poor economic circumstances of teachers and the lack of sufficient funding for public education. On 23 July, he underwent a grossly unfair trial before Branch 26 of the Revolutionary Court in Tehran which lasted only two hours and ignored marks of beatings on his body. He was not allowed to meet with his lawyer until 10 minutes before his trial. In August, he was convicted of several spurious national security-related charges stemming entirely from his human rights activities as a teacher trade unionist, and sentenced to 10 and a half years in prison, 74 lashes, a two-year travel ban and a two-year ban on “membership in political and social parties, groups or collectives”. He is currently appealing his conviction and sentence. Please write immediately in Persian, English or your own language, calling on the Iranian authorities to:  Release Mohammad Habibi immediately and unconditionally as he is a prisoner of conscience, imprisoned solely for peacefully exercising his human rights, including through his trade union activism;  Ensure that he is given immediate access to the specialized medical care doctors say he needs in a medical facility outside prison, in compliance with international standards and medical ethics, including the principles of confidentially, autonomy and informed consent;  Investigate Mohammad Habibi’s allegations of torture or other ill-treatment, both in detention and du

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